

A developmental difference which affects an individual's information processing, social development and sensory systems. What this
means is they often think, feel and respond to the world differently to a typical person. 

Specific Learning Difficulties

The name given to a group of learning difficulties which affect a specific area of development. Intellect is not affected, and the person may be seen as lazy, difficult or avoiding work when they are in fact struggling. It includes Dyslexia , Dyspraxia, Dyscaculia, Dysgraphia and ADHD.


This word is often used to positively describe a different way of thinking. These differences are due to developmental differences in the brain. Neruodiversity is often celebrated as being important for creativity, innovation and success.

Listen to a series of podcasts

iTunes  and Soundcloud

Podcast Episodes

#1 What is Autism?

#2 Social Anxiety & Expectations

#3 Autism in Workplaces

#4 Autism & Uncertainty

#5 Hey Schools, this one's for you

#6 Autism & Self-confidence

Helen Eaton talks to Michael Rosen
Listen on BBC Sounds

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